Monday, October 8, 2012

Why Apple should buy beleaguered Nokia

“If you were to look at how the smart phone mar ket has led seri ous blows to Nokia, you might think the com pany is doomed to clo sure,” Tristan Louis writes for “But smart acqui si tions and an exten sive patent port fo lio may make them extremely attrac tive for the com pany that served as the root of its prob lems: Apple.”

“Over the last few years, Nokia has made a num ber of bets on loca tion and map ping, with the 2007 U$8 bil lion acqui si tion of Navteq,” Louis writes. “This acqui si tion made Nokia the largest provider of map ping ser vices in the world. In fact, the com pany pro vides map ping ser vices to Google, UPS, Fedex, and many of the largest play ers in the auto mo tive industry.”

Louis writes, “Of course, an acqui si tion of Nokia would have quite an impact on Microsoft as it tries to make its way back into the mobile space. With Nokia as its most impor tant part ner, Microsoft's hope to become a likely con tender for con sumers' hearts might be dealt some thing pretty close to a death blow.”

Much more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers "Fred Mertz" and "Brawndo Drinker" for the heads up.]

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